The Gardens
These are two distinct but adjacent gardens on the banks of the Mississippi River. Both Gardens dazzle from late spring deep into fall.
The Gardens are open every day from Spring to Fall from 7:00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

Munsinger Gardens dates from the 30s; the WPA-constructed paths and garden areas are still here, refurbished and expanded in the 80s. This is an informal garden of 14 acres with winding flower-bordered paths under tall pines. The grass flows between the organic shapes of island beds much like the river beside it.

The Clemens Gardens, developed primarily in the 90s, provide 7 acres of considerable contrast. A collection of six gardens characterized by a formal style, they are situated on the sunny hill above Munsinger. The design is classical European but the use of plant material is decidedly American. Among them are the Virginia Clemens Rose Garden, the Rest Area Garden, the Formal Garden, the White Garden, the Perennial Garden, and the Treillage Garden. All are enhanced with decorative ironwork and fountains.